Do as I Say – NOT as I Do

By...Erik Schuman

I had no idea what I was going to write about this week. I rally didn’t. I even thought about skipping a week. But then the Supreme Court made a ruling and the resulting reaction gave me plenty to think about. The hardest part about this week’s entry is not using the words I would like to use. They are inappropriate to use here although they are very appropriate in describing the situation.

In a 6-3 ruling Monday, June 15, the Supreme Court determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars employment discrimination based on race, religion, national origin and sex, also applies to many millions of gay and transgender workers.

This ruling protects the rights of those who are part of the LGBTQ Community. It means they can’t be fired because they committed the “dastardly sin” of falling in love with someone of the same sex. It means employers can’t fire someone because they are a different skin color than they are. And that is bad…how?

Right now, all we hear is: BLACK LIVES MATTER. Unlike years ago, the number of people who agree with this is a large number and the number who disagree is small. With “small” also being the size of their brain. And heart. Although assuming people who are a bigoted have a brain and heart is an assumption that is really giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Know who is complaining? Far right-wing religious leaders. One of the biggest mouths (and Jackasses) is the son of Billy Graham. Someone who made his name off his father’s legacy and right now his father is probably looking down on his son, shaking his head in disgust, over what a loser he is. He is also lamenting the fact that when his son dies, they will never be able to meet up again since his son will be looking UP at people when he dies with this quote leaving no doubt.
  • “No question it is going to make it harder to defend our religious freedom, as far as an organization being able to hire people of like mind,” said Franklin Graham, who leads Samaritan’s Purse, a large evangelical relief group. “I find this to be a very sad day,” he said. “I don’t know how this is going to protect us.”

Frankie, let me put this the nicest way possible: STFU Asshole!

He finds this to be a “very sad day” and doesn’t know “how this is going to protect us.” Maybe Frankie missed the part of this ruling protecting RELIGIOUS discrimination. One would think that someone who makes their living conning people into giving him money under the false pretenses he cares about them would think the opposite way. I say that because I am 100% sure if Frankie ever felt someone discriminated against him because of his religion he would be in court so fast the resulting wind make result in Judge Judy’s clothes flying off her body leaving her stark naked.

For the record I am a strong believer that ALL religions have the right to exist. Christians. Catholics. Buddhists. Muslims. Even Scientology although that is as much a “religion” as is praying for your team to win the game in the final seconds.

What I am not a strong believer in is: 2-faced hypocrisy. “Do as I Say – NOT as I Do.” Give me the right to believe what I want but just know I won’t give you that same right. And if you don’t believe in what I say then you are an evil person and going to Hell. But don’t tell me the same thing because if you do you are wrong and YOU are the one going to Hell – not me.

I have yet to have one deeply religious person tell me how two CONSENTING adults of the same sex in a committed relationship is a bad thing and how it negatively affects them. My nephew is Gay. He lives near Disneyland. Imagine being so closed-minded that you have a problem with this – and you live in, say, Boston. You have no idea my nephew exists but yet you want to tell him he is a bad person, he is going to Hell and he is wrong for falling in love with another guy and not a female! Really! A large problem in society today is people caring more about how others lead their lives than how they lead their own. How would these people like it if we told them they could not marry the person of the opposite sex they fell in love with because it would negatively impact our lives! We know how they would react – they would be in court in seconds saying we had no right to determine how they lead their lives. But they are fine sticking their big fat noses in the lives of others.

Remove all of the violence and killings and how do people like Frankie differ from Al Qaeda and the Taliban? After all the latter 2 operate the same way: You better believe in what we do because if you don’t you are in trouble. This Meme says it all. Sadly.

Kudos on the Supreme Court for realizing it is 2020. Not 1920. Not 1820. Not 1720. 2020! Thanks for saying that not only do Black Lives Matter but so do Gay Lives and Lesbian Lives and Transgender Lives and… And for people like Frankie the Court also ruled: Religious Lives Matter. Something he needs to get thru that thick and empty skull of his.


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